Tuesday 31 March 2015

Hokotehi Owenga Softball

On Friday we had our softball game. We versed Leebank Scorpions, we lost our game because some people couldn't control their anger. Then we had a turn batting and they got us out. We were sad because some of us never got to catch but we tried and tried but we still lost our game. It was OK though, because my teacher Miss Tuapawa and Miss Magaoa came to watch us. We were surprised and nervous to see them at our game. We had our prize-giving because that was our last game for the season. The team that won all their games was Hokotehi Scorpions, they won medals. We got to have a free ice-cream, sausage sizzle, water and lollies.

By Zac.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Life jacket lesson with Community Swim

A challenging session for Room 8 at the Manurewa pools, learning how to do a back drop in the pool, floating together and a pin drop into the 2m pool (a first for most of my students).

  Some students were hesitant at first, but took the risk and gave it a go. I was proud of each student, as I knew it challenged them to step outside their comfort zone.  


Monday 2 March 2015

Bacteria: Friend or Foe?

Looking at the bacteria that has grown over the week through the microscopes

Not all Bacteria are bad, some help us to survive each day. Some bacteria can be found in food we eat like yoghurt and cheese. There is even bacteria in some medicines, that help us get better. 

By Devyn.